TLS Hair Studio II
TLS Hair Studio II
4582 Cumberland Rd, Suite 112
Fayetteville, NC 28306
(910) 263-8005
Our List of Services
The talented and creatve team of stylists at TLS Hair Studio II will always consult you before every service. Our spirit of cooperation remains true to help you feel comfortable with any of our stylists. The line of communication is always open to ensure your results are always satisfying.
Here is a brief list of our services, for the full list of services and pricing come by our salon!
* Shampoo/Thermal Style
* Men, Women, and Children Hair Cuts
* Twist Sets, Spirals, and Designer Styles
* Braids and Hair Extensions (Require Consultations)
* Special Occassion Up-Do's
PLEASE CALL OR COME IN FOR PRICING (910) 263-8005 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting (910) 263-8005 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
The talented and creatve team of stylists at TLS Hair Studio II will always consult you before every service. Our spirit of cooperation remains true to help you feel comfortable with any of our stylists. The line of communication is always open to ensure your results are always satisfying.
Here is a brief list of our services, for the full list of services and pricing come by our salon!
* Shampoo/Thermal Style
* Men, Women, and Children Hair Cuts
* Twist Sets, Spirals, and Designer Styles
* Braids and Hair Extensions (Require Consultations)
* Special Occassion Up-Do's
* Deep Invigorating Treatments may be added on to any service
Texture Services
* Relaxers
* Permanent Wave
Color Services
* Glazing
* Color
* Highlights
* Men Coloring
* Corrective Color Price (Require Consultations)
Copyright 2009 * TLS Hair Studio II *
